Log (Demo)

Keep Track of Life

Log is an idea I've had for a while. Log your life as seamlessly as possible and gain insights. Here is what I was able to make in a week...


I saw some sort of Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge

An overly ambitious sketch later...

I decided on an idea thats been rattling around and morphing in my head for years


This was built using Create T3 from which I used NextJS, tRPC, and tailwindcss. Clerk does auth. And Netlify for the server hosting. To participate in the challenge I used Netlify's Blobs as simple key value store. And all server saving uses Netlify's Blobs.

The db code I wrote is an utter mess. It became overwhelmingly complicated by the end and I wouldn't be suprised to find countless bugs. I got it sort of working in the end tho. :)

Now just try it out...

Log by codec