Log (Demo)

Keep Track of Life

Log your life as seamlessly as possible and gain insights.


This was created for the Netlify Dynamic Site Challenge and is only a demo.

It started with an overly ambitious sketch...

I decided on an idea thats been rattling around in my head for a while.


The app lets you keep track of various types of data in so called 'logs'. It's displayed visually to let you look back in time and keep track of activities. The data can be saved locally or to the cloud. Logs can also be shared with others.

This app was built using Create T3 from which I used NextJS, tRPC, and Tailwind CSS. Clerk for auth. And Netlify for the server hosting as well as Netlify's Blobs as simple key value store used for storing app data.

I will admit the db code is a bit of a mess. It became overly complicated by the end as I was too ambitious but needed to get something out by the deadline. I wouldn't be surprised to find some bugs. Although I got it more or less working in the end. :)

Now just try it out...